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Nursery Places

Our nursery offers 26 part time places.

To apply for a place in the nursery, please contact our school office to put your child's name down on the waiting list.

Places are allocated to children on our waiting list, at a termly nursery panel meeting, who will use the Local Authorities selection criteria. 

We will contact you when a place becomes available, to invite you and your child to visit the nursery and meet our staff. We will also talk about our induction programme and how this supports your child to make a smooth and happy start to their life at school. Nursery pupils transfer to the reception class in the September following their fourth birthday.

School Places (Reception to Year 6)

All admissions for children starting at Sexton's Manor Community Primary School are made through the Local Authorities admission team.

Please click on here to view the current admissions policies and details.

Or contact:

The Admissions Team, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 2BX
Phone: 0345 600 0981 
Fax: 01473 260991, Email: admissions@suffolk.gov.uk

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