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Aims and Values


  • To encourage inquiring minds who have a thirst for knowledge and ask questions.
  • To encourage both independent and collaborative learning that is accessible to all.
  • To promote reflection, resilience and resourcefulness through "Building Learning Power."


  • To provide a safe, calm environment where children feel valued and respect others, their choices and beliefs.
  • To provide an inspiring, exciting and creative curriculum so children can do their very best.
  • To promote learning through the positive ethos of the school and teamwork; instilling self-belief.


  • To encourage a positive attitude to learning so children respond to challenges and take risks and are responsible for their actions.
  • To provide a safe, secure and calm nurturing environment for children to develop into lifelong learners.
  • To provide a place of excellence setting high expectations and supporting children to reach their goals and ensuring they continually improve.

Promoting British Values

In 2011 , the government defined British Values as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We promote these values through our own school values, curriculum and enrichment activities.

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