Curriculum Overview
At Sexton's Manor Community Primary School we provide a rich and creative curriculum based upon our school vision; Think, Believe, Achieve.
Click on the Sexton's Manor Curriculum Overview book to find out more.
We are proud of our commitment to lifelong learning. Building Learning Power is embedded across the curriculum developing children's ability of "learning how to learn". We encourage children to become more self-aware and to develop the habits of successful learners.
Click on the Sexton's Manor Building Learning Power book to find out more.
We use the Mantle of the Expert approach selectively. This technique presents children with imaginary contexts to generate a problem to solve and as they think through the tasks they become experts and learning is both meaningful and exciting.
See also, Clubs and Extra Curricular page for extended curriculum.

Recent learning
Inspired by Chitty Chitty, Bang, Bang year 3 became inventors and created their own motor vehicles.

Curriculum Content
Inside the book below you will find the termly year group overviews.
For more detailed information click here to see the Curriculum Newsletters for parents.
We follow the Statutory Framework for Early Years set by the government and the National Curriculum Framework for children in Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 & 6)